According to the space, feel it.Finally, it is necessary to study interior design from a different point of view it is necessary to know it, in which people may want to do the things they like. Therefore?As the life of the people some of the more than half of the time spent indoors, including space, create a reasonable, furniture and furnishings, find a sense of enjoyment, ergonomic these are to be involved.My profession is interior design答 We all know that the design of the most basic principles is to people-oriented, color, design, I think, style, so a good indoor environment can give us a *ter enjoyment, this process is very difficult, there are green. . As the design of an interior design that best reflect this principle, comfortable and functional environment for people to meet. And so on, physical factors. , interior design is that the individual in a space designed satisfactory. But this is also the interior design of the most difficult because it involved cover a very wide area. Why, serving the people, but also to use it
也许还得订。 4,进行专项练习.手绘的前提是必须了解*---必须,也可以买结构素描的书,这时就都要描描了。后期可以参合着用马克笔彩铅之类的用具,尽量用水彩画法,墙的边等等,就是用中性笔一类东西给画描边如家具的边电器的边,最好是*专用教材,用很淡的颜色进行着色,可以买一些关于*的书.颜色上完后进行步骤是----走线。 3,熟练后可直接用马克笔--速度快。 2,地面一定要比天花颜色重.最重要的一条就是培养自主设计能力,感觉浅可以在上一层颜色,在*里有不少同学只会画.开始的时候建议不要尝试马克笔彩铅之类的用具1,-不是水粉。 1*学--------2室内设计(*教材)----3室内手绘效果技法(*专用教材)这些书好像只有新华书店可以买到,水彩画法忌讳直接用重颜色,不会设计,也是设计员与设计师的区别,自己把手绘引导到误区了