Marina Bautier"I go for simplicity and try to minimize the production process as much as possible. I really want to get the best out of my material and give each object a warm feeling."——Marina Bautier 翻译过来意思是(不准确的地方请指正)“我为简单起见,尽可能的减少生产过程。我真的想要材料给每个使用者以一个温暖的感觉。”这是Marina Bautier的设计理念。 Marina Bautier follows a discreet but very human approach. For her the richness of life is not synonymous of ostentation. While she gives priority to simple structures and easily manufactured materials, she also attaches great care to the appearance and implementation qualities.Though sober, her products are characterised by their generosity. The designer often starts from the observation of ordinary activities to develop her products. Far from any pretence, she creates furniture and objects open to life. Furniture and objects whose quiet normality hides many small attentions. Furniture and objects which render many services without ever encumbering. In the projects of Marina Bautier, saving in means is always associated with a real interest for the function – or more correctly for the use.(来自Designer Marina Bautier) Idee属于**地区比较大规模的家居店,会社上世纪70年代成立。在早期的时候,Idee也是主要引进欧洲一些比较前卫和高品质的家居品牌商品来售卖,也算是一间品牌集成店,将欧洲的家居品拿到*来卖。后来黑崎发现*消费者和市场对于前卫和新潮设计与时尚的接受程度远超自己想象,这也就催生他想与设计师合作推出自己家具产品,在早期的时候Idee主要跟固定的几位设计师合作,设计生产*现代风格的家具系列,并逐渐形成了自己的品牌风格调性-经典、简约、低调的新潮与时尚。如果你熟悉*的家具设计圈,会发现,Idee的家具设计算是比较出挑,偏艺术外放一些,这也符合了时代的发展和年轻人的喜好。 后来MUJI无印良品社长金井政明任IDEE的社长,IDEE成为MUJI旗下的品牌,但是还是保持*运营。也就有了“MUJI meets IDEE”。这是Marina Bautier for IDEE这是Marina Bautier for IDEE这是Marina Bautier for MA这是Marina Bautier for MA 个人认为Marina Bautier和IDEE以及MUJI都有一个共同的特点,就是追求极致简约,如果非要问他们有什么不同之处,我认为是品牌理念和运营方式。Marina Bautier有她自己的品牌 MA 同时也为IDEE做设计。从上面两组家具也可以看出,IDEE更注重细节与品质,而MA更注重舒适感和自然感。这两者,个人更喜欢后者。 欢迎大家来补充! 蟹螯。