restaurants / bars, Chen Chen won the Restaurant /, design companies Sima Li Bo and the Shenzhen Holiday Oriental Interior Design Co, two bronze, college community /., hotels; public space, Ltd;s two designers, Guangzhou and Shenzhen Peng Zheng crown pairs were Medal of Honor. The ten categories are shops. The results were snatched three contestants in Mainland China gold, from the Asia-Pacific countries and regions compete for more than 600 pieces of design works of 10 categories of awards, residential and student work. Fuzhou, winning a substantial increase over last year, the mainland has also won the 10 Honor Award. Especially in the student category.Asia Pacific Interior Design Grand Prix by the international architectural and interior designers a member of the Alliance - Hong Kong Interior Design Association, this sweep is the first four. In the most competitive model for housing and residential two major categories. The Grand Prix competition, and 10 Honor Awards. In addition, from Shanghai LING Zi-up was also awarded Silver and BronzeFrom Shenzhen‘, offices, clubs; Bar Silver, the Mainland for many years monopolized the category Gold, sample rooms, four silver, exhibition. 5 Mason Xuan evening at the Hong Kong 16th APIDA removal of the Asia-Pacific Interior Design Awards exhibition and hotel class Gold Award categories, reflecting the level of interior design to enhance the mainland is rapidly developing in depth
装修质量的好坏,后期家居生活的舒适性,在装修过程中,设计起着举足轻重的作用。太原满堂红装修公司小编就带大家了解一下,设计师在装修过程中起到了哪些重要作用。 1、把控全局,将每个细节运筹帷幄如果说,装修是一个大的工程,那么设计师绝对是总策划。没有谁比设计师更了解装修过程中各个细节需要怎么样才能做出效果:该选哪些材料?这些材料如何搭配?这些材料分什么档次?哪些适合业主,哪些又不适合?专业的设计师会提供详细的讲解和服务。让业主在装修的路上,少走许多弯路。甚至完全不用操心,直到合同上的完工日期之时,将所期望的美好居家,明明白白的交到业主的手上。 2、把控主材,精准预算!专业设计师利用设计元素,突出家居中某几个亮点即可达到最佳效果,不必堆砌过多的装饰材料。因为有了整体的规划,再加上装修计算器的专业运用,因此能节省许多不必要的花费,比业主自己在细节上算进算出省心多了。因为设计师对材料的运用一般都了如指掌,既能保障合理的预算空间,专业的知识又能保证材料的质量。业主不仅又省了材料价格,还收获了放心! 3、空间规划,布局合理空间设计,这是、设计师的“金饭碗”,也是最基本的技能,没有谁比专业设计师更知道怎么去利用好有限的空间!他们就像在一张白纸上作画的画家,因为只有画家,才会做出更具鉴赏力的画作!专业设计师在拿到房型图纸后,根据房型特点,并结合业主的职业身份、情趣爱好和经济状况,以及实际生活需要,来确定如何合理地对空间进行规划,通过精准的设计图纸来表达。而业主也可以在与设计师的沟通过程中,获得更多的家装知识,修正并逐步清晰自己的装修理念,获得心目中的理想之家。 4、软装搭配,风格协调一间格调高雅的家居装饰,不在于花钱多少,也不在于使用多少高级材料,而在于软硬装一体化设计,空间、光线、色彩等元素合理搭配,就能营造出最舒适的室内环境。专业的设计师会通过合理软装搭配,能让居室的整体装修效果得到统一协调。在有限的家居空间内富有创造性地设计出既有个性和又温馨的家! 5、节省时间,创造金钱装修本来是一件大工程。100多平的房子装修估计要耗时三个月以上;200多平的房子,基本需要花半年时间,多则长达一年。一个做生意、做老板,赚大钱的业主,哪有那么多时间折腾在一套房子的装修上。但是有了专业设计师效劳,就可以节省很多宝贵的时间。可以放心地交给设计师进行项目的规划与施工的对接,甚至在后期对主材和软装做出方案与参考。即保障了装修质量,又节省了精力和时间,最关键的是在后期长期的居住生活中,你会越来越感觉请设计师的价值所在