

我可以教你平常我们吃的怎么做,然后你参考一下,设计的话我不太会,看看能不能做1米的,材料:鸡蛋4个,面粉100克,淀粉少许(以减少面的筋度),糖100克 工具:电饭煲,搅拌器(自动的当然比手动的好了^_^),大碗2个 做法: 1 将鸡蛋的蛋白和蛋黄分开分别放入两个大碗中 2 糖1/3放入蛋黄中,2/3放入蛋白中 3 将蛋黄搅匀搅成浅黄色即可。(这个很快的) 4 搅打蛋白一直搅到蛋白在手指尖上能立起来(这时像奶油,很好看的哦),呵呵,这个可是很有点费劲的。我打了半个小时,我的手可是累啊! 当然了,我用的不是电动搅拌器,用它可就快了。(这个步骤直接关系到蛋糕是不是发的很好进而影响蛋糕的质量) 5 将面粉放入蛋黄中,轻轻搅匀(不要搅的太猛,这样会使面产生面筋,这样就不好了,会影响蛋糕的质量)。 6 将搅好的蛋白放到5中搅匀。这个步骤不能用搅拌器,而是用手从碗底向上捞,重复几次再转动方向。2-3分钟就好了,这时5中的面团和蛋白打成了一种糊状。这样蛋浆就准备好了 7 在电饭煲锅底抹一层油,然后把蛋浆到进去。按下煮饭钮,此后几分钟会跳到保温。不管他,2分钟后再按下去。如此重复几次就可闻到浓郁的蛋糕香味了。呵呵,此时用筷子戳进去如果不粘蛋浆就可以了。(我试着用东西塞在按钮的地方不让它跳,但这样容易糊底) 8 断电就行了。你也可以用葡萄干等等进行蛋糕的装饰了,放凉就可以吃了。不过我是趁热吃了,塞一大口,好好吃哦。
关于材料What size of egg whites should I use?My recipes (and most macaron recipes, in general) use large egg whites.我要用多少的蛋白?我的*(几乎所有的法式*)使用大个鸡蛋的蛋白。What is the average weight of a large egg white?30 to 33 g per egg white.通常大个鸡蛋的蛋白是多重?通常一颗大蛋的蛋白是重30-33克Can I use ‘Egg Beaters’ or ‘Simply Egg Whites’ or other pre-separated egg whites sold in cartons?我能使用‘Egg Beaters’(Egg Beaters是处理过的蛋白。里面添加了维生素和植物胶。还有盐和洋葱粉。)or ‘Simply Egg Whites’(Simply Egg Whites应该是指直接已从蛋里取的蛋白,添加了维生素等。)吗?I have tried pre-separated egg whites with very inconsistent results. I know other bakers who tried to use them as well without success. Maybe it’ll work for you, but it’s more likely that it won’t. Separate your own eggs, it’s easy.我有试过用“预分离蛋白”产生了很多不太好的效果。我知道其它的烘焙者尝试使用“预分离蛋白”也同样都失败了,也许您可以成功,但大部份是失败的,自己分离蛋白吧,更容易成功。If I can’t use egg beaters, what do I do with all the leftover egg yolks?There are many things you can do with leftover egg yolks.Fresh pastais one of my favorites, but you can also makehomemade mayooraïoli,hollandaise sauce, creamy desserts such as crème brûlée or zabaglione, and many other recipes. Here’s a very useful resource that lists recipes according to the number of egg yolks you need to make them:Recipes to Use Up Extra Egg Yolks.如果我不能用“egg beaters”,如何处理多余的蛋黄?(外国人很节约啊!)剩下的蛋黄可以用来做很多事。我最喜爱的是意大利面条,您还可以用来做梅奥,酱油,奶油甜点,或意大利菜肴和许多其它的食谱(猪猪觉得蛋达水和虎皮卷,蛋黄酱都不错)这里有个使用蛋黄的食谱链接。Recipes to Use Up Extra Egg Yolks.What type of food coloring should I use?Gel or powdered food colorings are preferable because liquid food colorings have less coloring power, so you need to add more to reach the right color and risk adding too much moisture to the batter. I like theAteco gel kitsorChefmaster powdered kits.我要使用哪种食用色素?膏状或粉状食用色素是最适合的,因为液态色素的上色效果较差,所以您需要添加更多的色素才能达到理想的色泽,那样的话就会添加更多的水份进入面糊。我喜欢Ateco膏状色素套装orChefmaster色素粉套装.Is the use of cream of tartar necessary?Cream of tartar is added to egg whites to help stabilize them and give them volume and strength. I personally never use cream of tartar (it’s not essential to the macaron recipe), but if you have trouble getting volume when you beat the egg whites, or if you feel like you never get the right batter consistency, try adding cream of tartar (1/8 teaspoon for each white) once the whites are foamy, before adding sugar.有必要使用塔塔粉吗?(猪猪觉得这里用蛋*更健康)塔塔粉加入蛋白中可以增加蛋白的稳定性和持久性。我个人从来不使用塔塔粉(马卡龙的*中这个不是必需品)但如果您觉得打发蛋白相对困难,可以放少许放入待打发的蛋白中.或者您无法拌到面糊到理想的状态,那么当蛋白打发起泡后,尝试加少许塔塔粉(每颗蛋白放1/8茶匙)然后再添加糖。Is the use of powdered sugar necessary? Can I use a substitute? Can I reduce the sugar quantity?Yes, powdered sugar is necessary, you can’t substitute it for other kind of sugar.You can play around with the sugar quantity, but not significantly as a fair quantity is needed to create the balance needed to get the best macaron texture.This article explainsthe mystical union of sugar and egg whites (viaBraveTart).一定要使用糖粉吗?我能使用其它代替吗?我可以减少糖量吗?是的,糖粉是必须的,你不能使用其它糖类代替。你可以尝试改变糖的份量,但要注意不要过量减糖,因为适量的糖的含量才是组成马卡龙的最佳组织的关键。这篇文章解释了,糖粉和蛋白的秘密。This article explainsthe mystical union of sugar and egg whites (viaBraveTart).Do all brands of powdered sugar work? Is it ok if it contains cornstarch?Yes, all brands of powdered sugar contain cornstarch. Low-cost dollar brands will rise the amount of cornstarch they add to the sugar to keep the cost down, so it’s not recommended to use those brands to make macarons. Use a popular brand, but not onewithoutcornstarch as a little of it is good, according to Hélène Dujardin, to help balance moisture andensure sturdyshells.是不是所有品牌的糖粉都可以使用?可以使用含玉米淀粉的糖粉吗?是的,所有品牌的糖粉都含有玉米淀粉,为了使造价便宜,越廉价的糖粉就添加越多的玉米淀粉。所以不推荐大家使用那些价格低廉品牌的糖粉制作马卡龙。使用知名大众品牌,但也不要使用纯糖粉,因为少量的玉米淀粉可帮助去除湿气和确保马卡龙组织的坚固。What is almond meal? Is it the same as almond flour?Yes it is. Almond meal or flour is simply almonds that have been ground very finely.Here’s an exampleof what you should look for. Leftover almond meal should be kept in an airtight bag or container in the fridge so it doesn’t turn rancid.什么是杏仁*?和杏仁粉相同吗?是的,杏仁*和杏仁粉同样都是磨制成很细的粉状。这里有个样版,用不完的杏仁*/粉应该保存在一个密封包或是瓶子内,放在冰箱冷藏,以免受潮。My almond meal/flour looks wet/oily. Can I still use it?Yes you can, but you should dry it first or it could cause you trouble making perfect macarons. Here’s a simple explanation and method (from bookLes Petits Macarons: Colorful French Confections to Make at Home): “If you store your flour in the refrigerator or freezer, drying it before using – to remove any moisture from storage – will improve the structure and shape of your macarons and reduce the risk of cracks. To dry your almond flour, preheat the oven to 200°F [95°C]. Spread the almond flour on a baking sheet and bake it for 30 minutes. Remove the flour from the oven and let it cool completely before proceeding with the recipe.”我的杏仁粉看起来潮湿/出油?我还能用吗?是的你可以用,但是你要先把它烘干,不然就无法做出完美的马卡龙。这里是一个简单的解释和方法(来自书籍:Les Petits Macarons: Colorful French Confections to Make at Home)假如你将杏仁粉放在冰箱里,在使用前将它烘干。去除湿气可以使马卡龙的组织和外形更加完美,也减少外壳开裂的出现。如何烘干杏仁粉?在制作马卡龙前,预热烤箱至95°C,将杏仁粉放在烤盘中平铺并拨开,烘烤约30分钟,将烤盘取出让至自然冷却。Can I use nuts other than almond to make macarons?Yes you can, but, says Hélène Dujardin ofTartelette, who regularly teaches macaron classes, “Try to keep a 50% ratio of almonds to other nuts. Almonds are the least oily of all nuts and they will keep the batter to the right consistency.” Try hazelnuts, peanuts,pecans or pistachiosfor different and tasty results.我可以使用其它坚果来制作马卡龙吗?是的你可以的,教马卡龙课的Hélène Dujardin ofTartelette*说过:“保持50%的杏仁粉和其它坚果粉,杏仁是所有坚果类中含油含最少的而且其面糊更适合做马卡龙,你可以尝试用榛果,花生,山核桃和开心果,或其它不同的坚果来尝试不同口味。Can I grind my own almonds/nuts?Of course you can, if you don’t mind the extra work. Blanched almonds are best, but raw almonds work too, although their brown skin will alter the color of your shells. To grind the almonds/nuts, weigh them whole, then add them to a food processor along with the powdered sugar (which will prevent your nuts turning into butter). Process until very smooth, then sift as the recipe requires.我能自己磨杏仁粉或是使用其它坚果粉吗?你当然可以的,如果你不怕麻烦的话,去皮的杏仁是最好的,有皮杏仁同样可以,但它表皮的自然棕色会使你的马卡壳失所有鲜艳的颜色。磨杏仁粉或坚果粉的方法,首先称出它们的全部重量,和糖粉混合后,再把它们放至食物搅拌机中搅拌。如果不加糖粉的话,坚果类会在搅拌过程中出油,变成膏状。将杏仁粉+糖粉打至细腻后,再过筛称出*中需要的份量。>Back to topWhat if I’m allergic to nuts? Can I still make macarons?Yes, you can. There are many nut-free macaron recipes out there, and here are the ones I’m inclined to trust the most.·Nut-Free Macarons, made with pumpkin seeds (Brave Tart)·Nut Free French Macarons, made with coconut black sesame seeds (Baking Obsession)·Coconut Macaron with Lime and White Chocolate Ganache(Gourmeted)I hear author Jill Colonna has also published a quinoa-based macaron recipe in her book,Mad About Macarons.如果我对坚果过敏,我还能制作马卡龙吗?是的可以的,这里有很多不需坚果的马卡龙*,这里有很好的*南瓜子马卡龙椰子粉和黑芝麻马卡龙可可马卡龙和白巧甘那许About the Equipment关于工具Parchment paper or Silpats?Some preferSilpats (silicon mats), others parchment paper. Personally, I find that silicon mats seems to stick to delicate macaron shells more easily. I always use parchment paper with good, consistent results (and you can reuse the same parchment paper sheets many times before throwing them away). I always useunbleached parchment paper.油纸(不粘布)或硅胶烤垫?(这里我们结合国人的习惯稍做修改)有些人喜欢用硅胶垫,有的人喜欢用油纸(不粘布)。我觉得硅胶垫更容易粘住马卡龙的底部,所以我总是使用油纸(不粘布),而且每次烤出来的效果都很棒。(你可以将油布反复使用很多次),我一直使用未漂白的油纸(不粘布)>Back to topCan I use butter instead of parchment paper?I wouldn’t recommend it. Because of the macarons’ delicate nature, it often helps to be able to lift off the parchment paper (or silicon mat) to peel it off the shells. Plus, using butter would change the taste of the shells (which contain no fat).我能使用涂抹黄油来代替使用油纸(不粘布)吗?我不推荐那样,因为马卡龙的组织很娇贵,易碎,使用油纸(不粘布)将使马卡龙很轻易的从纸上或硅胶垫上剥离出来。涂油有可能会改变马卡龙外壳的风味(马卡龙本身是不含油脂的)Can I use wax paper / aluminum foil?No, please don’t.我能使用腊纸或铝纸吗?不,请不要。Which pastry tip is best?Use a pastry tip with a round opening of about 1/2”-3/4” in diameter. Good examples are Ateco Plain Pastry Tubes, sizes6,7or8. They cost about $1.50 each, oryou can buy a full set.什么样的挤花嘴是最好的?使用一圆头挤花嘴,大约1/2”-3/4”或者你可以买一整套的.What pastry bags do you use?Any reusable pastry bag will do, and I would choose a bigger size (14” to 18”), which allows you to transfer more batter (or all of it) at once. Also, choose one that is lined with plastic so you can clean it easily (seeAteco Plastic-Coated Decorating Bag).I admit that I also like the convenience ofdisposable pastry bags. They are cheap and easy to use.你使用什么样的挤花袋?任何可重复使用的挤花袋都可以,我会选择大一点的尺寸。那样可以让你一次装入所有的面糊,做的更快一些。我更喜欢使用一次性裱花袋,它们便宜而且容易使用。Do I really need to use a stainless steel bowl? Will aluminum or plastic bowls do?I highly recommend it using stainless steel. A good stainless steelcul-de-pouleis very versatile in the kitchen and will last you a lifetime. You don’t need a whole set,just one large bowland you’ll be fine for most kitchen tasks. Says Stephanie Jaworski ofJoy of Baking: “Stainless steel (…) does a good job of whipping and stabilizing the egg whites. Don’t use an aluminum bowl as it gives the beaten egg whites a grayish tinge as some of the aluminum does come off during beating. Plastic and glass are not good surfaces either as the whites tend to slip down the sides of the bowl and plastic attracts grease because of its porous surface.” If your bowl is just slightly greasy (which isn’t always noticeable to the eye or touch), it will prevent your egg whites from rising properly.我需要使用不锈钢盆吗?使用铝制或塑料盆可以吗?我强烈推荐使用不锈钢盆,一个优质的不锈钢盆是可多用途的,而且可以终生使用。你不需要全套设备,只是一个大盆。除了做马卡龙,你还可以用来做任何的厨房家务。不锈钢盆是打发蛋白最好的容器。不要使用铝盆,因为在打蛋头触碰盆内的时侯,会有一些铝屑会掉出来,塑胶盆和玻璃盆的表面也不适合。假如你的盆仍然有污迹(这些是用*眼或触摸感觉不出来的)那就将影响蛋白的打发。>Back to topBut, won’t my electric beater scratch the stainless steel bowl?Stainless steel is a very resistant surface. Although it’s true that, with use, it will show a slight patina,it won’t scratch per se, meaning nothing can penetrate stainless steel deeply.That’s why it’s the favorite working surface in professional kitchens.但是,我的电动打蛋器会刷伤我的不锈钢盆?不锈钢盆的表面非常坚固,使用这个是会一些轻微的刮痕,但不锈钢是非常坚固耐磨的,那是为什么不锈钢是厨房里最好的厨具材料。>Back to topWhat kind of baking sheet is best? Do I need to buy an expensive one?Quality isn’t as important as quantity. Because you’ll always cover the baking sheets with parchment paper, you don’t need top notch nonstick surfaces. Your good old battered sheets will do, but if you’re going to make macarons often, make sure you have at least 4 baking sheets (all of the same size), as each sheet much be doubled. One batter recipe will fill at least two sheets, so having two sets of sheets ready to use will allow you to pipe all your shells at once. If you need to buy baking sheets, here’sa good example of a basic and inexpensive, but good quality, baking sheet.什么样的烤盘是最好的?我需要买一个贵的吗?(国内烤盘便宜,亲们别被误导)质量不比数量重要,因为你总是要用油布盖上烤盘上了。你不需要买一个防粘的烤盘,你旧的烤盘也可以使用,但是你如果经常制作马卡龙。你要有4个同样尺寸的烤盘。因为每个烤盘必须配对。一个好的*通常都可以挤出两盘马卡龙。所以有两张烤盘可以让你制作好面糊后,马上挤另一盘。如果你需要购买烤盘,这里是一个价廉物美的烤盘样版。Why do I need to double the baking sheets?Doubling the baking sheets prevent the bottom of the shells to bake too quickly,which would make it too hard by “macaron standards”. It also favors the formation of the infamous feet (or crown), which is another macaron standard that can be frustratingly hard to get. Get there quicker by doubling your baking sheets.为什么我要相叠烤盘?(推荐大家使用重钢烤盘,厚度足够.)相叠两张烤盘可以防止马卡龙壳的底部被烤的太快,
客厅怎么装修好看又实用?不妨看看这些客厅装修小技巧: 第一,客厅吊顶最好不要做的太复杂的,做的太复杂不仅不好看,还会拉低层高。一些夹层容易积灰也会让小强在这里安家!如果户型小就不要做吊顶了,简单用石膏线条装饰一些加上无主灯设计效果会更好,也可以做现在比较流行的双眼皮吊顶,比较简洁还好看! 第二,客厅的插座一定要预留到位,一般如果有电视的要预留出三个插座,如果没有电视有投影仪的确定好位置也要预留插座。还有墙角处也最好预留一个方便给扫地机器人或者是一些清洁电器使用。沙发旁边也要预留1-2个插座,方便给手机充电。不过要注意预留位置和沙发尺寸,不要让沙发把插座挡住就尴尬了! 第三,客厅墙面优选乳胶漆,其次是墙纸墙布,如果喜欢瓷砖的也可以墙面做瓷砖,干净好打理卫生。乳胶漆颜色多样,可以搭配各种装修风格,涂刷出来的效果也很好,不过注意客厅颜色不要太过于鲜艳,颜色最好不要超过三种。客厅墙面选择做乳胶漆腻子要选好,最好选择成品腻子,如果是比较潮湿的地区,那么就要选择耐水的腻子,这样可以防潮放霉变! 第四,客厅家具要选择适合的尺寸,如果小户型那么家具就不要选择太大的,如果选择太大的看着比较突兀,空间也会更憋屈。特别是沙发不要占用客厅的空间百分之二十左右。在选择沙发的时候最好选择布艺,皮质的沙发看着是比较好看,但是用起来是很不舒服的,夏天坐一会就会一身汗,冬天坐还冰屁股。另外时间久了会发黑发黄会很难看,所以沙发最好选择布艺的比较舒服实用。 第五,如果客厅空间比较大那么最好选择做中央空调,中央空调吹出来风会更柔和舒服,不会得空调病。如果客厅比较比较小,像是四五十平的户型,这样就不建议做中央空调了,因为做中央空调会拉低层高,本来户型就比较小在加上空调空间会显得更压抑。 第六,背景墙没必要花大价钱去做的太复杂,装好也就新鲜几天,过不了多久就会过时嫌弃了。可以用乳胶漆石膏线条,搭配一些装饰挂画就很好了,后期如果不喜欢就可以随时更换,如果你做的比较复杂更换起来是非常麻烦的,不仅浪费时间更浪费预算。
现如今装修公司越来越多,不应只关注装修排名,最重要的是要关注口碑及施工质量等,如何才能选择一家好的家装公司,可以从一下几点来说: 1、查验证照。任何合法注册的企业,都有工商部门颁发的营业执照。营业执照的主要证明是:该企业是否是合法注册的;该企业的注册资金情况;该企业的营业范围。 2、看该公司的口碑及形象。一家好的装修公司肯定有好的口碑及形象,所以,要了解清楚在业主群众的口碑。 3、参观样板房或在建工地。你需要了解的不是对方的施工工艺如何高,而是客户的看法。并通过他们,去了解施工方的信誉。 4、了解该公司背景。包括其优良和不良记录等等。也许一个两个案例并不能说明什么问题,因为做生意过程中一点差错都没有,几乎是令人难以置信的。 5、看设计案例。一家好的装修公司离不开一个经验丰富的设计团队,只有对家装设计了解深刻的设计师,才能够做出满意的设计方案来,满足美观和居住的功能需求。
走廊过道怎么装饰 过道顶端如何装饰
过道的墙可以按照以下*装饰: 可以在墙面上装饰造型可爱风趣的小灯,既可以美化走廊,又可以在夜幕降临的时候使走廊明亮温馨.灯光色调多选用*或淡粉色. 可以在墙面上挂几幅与居室风格和评价品位相符合的装饰车辆.面积较大的墙面选用尺寸合适的装饰画,面积较小的墙面则可以不用装饰画. 为了在视觉上宽阔的走廊,可以在墙面上设计一面大的镜子,或者是用镜子画装饰墙面. 可以在墙上开出现几个方格,在格里设计几个 水平板,板架上可以摆设小巧精美的工艺品等装饰一下,美化走廊.
通常小阳台的空间实在有限,若是做装饰的话,不建议装饰太多,简单的装饰一番就可以了。也可以将与小阳台相邻的空间打通,这样可以增加室内的空间面积,变得会更加宽敞一些。小阳台还可以打造成小花园,美化空间。不过在装饰小阳台的时候,要注意阳台的防水。为了避免阳台漏水,要注意阳台窗的质量和密封性。小阳台中可以放置藤椅、花花草草等装饰物,不过要注意的时候,阳台尽量不要再做吊顶,同时为了小阳台的承重,避免在阳台摆放太多的物品。 范二少年 2018.03.28 0 收藏 0条评论 评论 取消 说是小阳台,那么阳台的空间和面积应该是很小的,可能也就几平米的样子。不过在装饰小阳台的时候,要注意使用防水性较好、不易变形的家具,可以是木质家具,但是要做好遮阳、防水。或是金属家具,能承受户外的风吹雨打,且风格现代、简洁,就是要注意防锈。若是阳台窄一点的话,可以上一张逍遥椅,然后再摆上漂亮的小桌椅。阳台的光照是比较强的,若是不想阳台太过闷热的话,建议在阳台中安装窗帘。小阳台的承重是有限的,因此不要在阳台上使用太笨重的装饰材料。 Top丶彪悍 2018.03.28 0 收藏 0条评论 评论 取消 可以在小阳台布置一些绿植或是花卉,可以美观阳台空间,还能让家居氛围更加自然。
对于家具小阳台的装饰,不管采用什么*的装饰,都需要选择防水性较好、不易变形的家具。可以是木质家具,但是要做好遮阳、防水。或是金属家具,能承受户外的风吹雨打,且风格现代、简洁,就是要注意防锈。若是阳台窄一点的话,可以上一张逍遥椅,然后再摆上漂亮的小桌椅。阳台的光照是比较强的,若是不想阳台太过闷热的话,建议在阳台中安装窗帘。小阳台的承重有限,不要在阳台上使用太笨重的装饰材料等等。对于小阳台的装饰介绍就是以上这些,具体还要根据你的需求进行装饰。 酒几许 2018.03.26 0 收藏 0条评论 评论 取消 小阳台的装饰布置方法比较多,若是户型可以的话,可以将与小阳台相邻的空间打通,这样可以增加室内的空间面积,变得会更加宽敞一些。小阳台还可以打造成小花园,美化空间。不过在装饰小阳台的时候,要注意阳台的防水。为了避免阳台漏水,要注意阳台窗的质量和密封性。小阳台中可以放置藤椅、花花草草等装饰物,不过要注意的时候,阳台尽量不要再做吊顶,同时为了小阳台的承重,避免在阳台摆放太多的物品。小阳台的装饰物要具有良好的防晒性,这样就不会造成损坏。

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